Forum OpenACS Development: Re: can't connect to port 80: network is unreachable

The messages say that from your host, can be reached via two IP-addresses, namely its IPv4 and IPv6 address. For unclear reasons, it fails on IPv6 via port 443 (https)
SockConnect fails: SockAddr family AF_INET6, ip 2001:628:404:74::31 port 443
Can you connect via browser with the URL?
I have currently no IPv6 connection to test.

I believe the problem has another cause.

Hosting server doesn't support IPv6. That's why socketConnect fails on IPv6.

However, that wasn't supposed affect, once NS parameters are disabled since the beginning (i.e. within ns-config.tcl).

#set address_v6         ::1        ;# listen on loopback via IPv6                                                                                                                                           
#set address_v6         ::0        ;# listen on all IPv6 addresses                                                                                                                                          
So, I can "wget" but I can't wget https://[2001:628:404:74::31]/

Regarding your suspects on unclear reasons, it fails on IPv6 via port 443 (https)... I guess the hardware, which hosts our VMs, doesn't support IPv6. I believe Patrick can tell us why.

Thus, as expected IPv4 works and IPv6 doesn't.

If IPv4 works why does ns_http request fail?

root@iurix:~# wget https://[2001:628:404:74::31]/
--2018-11-25 22:13:31--  https://[2001:628:404:74::31]/
Connecting to [2001:628:404:74::31]:443... failed: Network is unreachable.